Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Campaign Video (Group Assignment) Last Assignment in Semester 1 From Mr. Romel Noverino
"Are You a Yes Man?"

Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

Assignment 40 technique Advertisement


AULIA FARADILLA,  1SA01 (11614813)

1. Association 
This persuasion technique tries to link a product, service, or idea with something
already liked or desired by the target audience, such as fun, pleasure, beauty, security, intimacy,
success, wealth, etc. 

 2. Bandwagon
Many ads show lots of people using the product, implying that "everyone is doing
it" (or at least, "all the cool people are doing it").

3. Beautiful People

 Beautiful people uses good-looking models (who may also be celebrities) to
attract our attention. 

4. Bribery
This technique tries to persuade us to buy a product by promising to give us something
else, like a discount, a rebate, a coupon, or a "free gift.” Sales, special offers, contests, and
sweepstakes are all forms of bribery.

 5. Celebrities

(A type of Testimonial – the opposite of Plain folks.) We tend to pay attention to
famous people.

6. Experts

(A type of Testimonial.) We rely on experts to advise us about things that we don’t

know ourselves. Scientists, doctors, professors and other professionals often appear in ads and
advocacy messages, lending their credibility to the product, service, or idea being sold. 

7. Explicit claims. Something is "explicit" if it is directly, fully, and/or clearly expressed or
demonstrated. For example, some ads state the price of a product, the main ingredients, where it
was made, or the number of items in the package – these are explicit claims. So are specific,
measurable promises about quality, effectiveness, or reliability, like “Works in only five minutes!”
Explicit claims can be proven true or false through close examination or testing, and if they’re false,
the advertiser can get in trouble. It can be surprising to learn how few ads make explicit claims. Most
of them try to persuade us in ways that cannot be proved or disproved.

8. Fear. This is the opposite of the Association technique. It uses something disliked or feared by
the intended audience (like bad breath, failure, high taxes or terrorism) to promote a "solution.” Ads
use fear to sell us products that claim to prevent or fix the problem. Politicians and advocacy groups
stoke our fears to get elected or to gain support.

9. Humor. Many ads use humor because it grabs our attention and it’s a powerful persuasion
technique. When we laugh, we feel good. Advertisers make us laugh and then show us their product
or logo because they’re trying to connect that good feeling to their product. They hope that when we
see their product in a store, we’ll subtly re-experience that good feeling and select their product.
Advocacy messages (and news) rarely use humor because it can undermine their credibility; an
exception is political satire.

Senin, 05 Januari 2015

Assigment analysis Thai Life Insurance Commercial

Thai Life Insurance commercial - "Silence of Love" 


"when his daughter tried to commit suicide , his father said to the doctor that " I have money , I have a house, take it all" , but to save my daughter, and that he asked the doctor to take blood to be given to his daughter, but in the end he too eventually died
in conclusion : we are advised to have insurance, because if we have insurance are, when there is something unexpected such as an accident, illness or death even if we could use the insurance

Kamis, 25 Desember 2014


halloooo asalamualikum dan selamat malam semuanyaaaa:)
merry chirstmas yaa buat temen2 yang merayakannya:D

hmm hari ini gua seneng banget bisa kumpul bareng sama keluarga, bisa hangout bareng ke tempat permandian air panas di parung-bogor.

malam ini gua mau ngeblog soal Kahlil Gibran, si penyair hebat, jenius, yang karya-karyanya selalu nyentuh hati si pembacanya, dan gua salah satu pembaca favorite nya, setiap kata-katanya tuh menngandung makna tersendiri gitu, duuuhh... lebaynya keluar dah gua :p
intinya gua sukaa banget sama karya-karya Kahlil Gibran.

Gua mau ngepost salah satu karya dari Kahlil Gibran tentang persahabatan, karna bagi gua persahabatan itu penting banget dalam kehidupan.


   Puisi Persahabatan Kahlil Gibran
Dan jika berkata,
berkatalah kepada aku tentang kebenaran persahabatan?..
Sahabat adalah kebutuhan jiwa, yang mesti terpenuhi.
Dialah ladang hati, yang kau taburi dengan kasih dan kau panen dengan penuh rasa terima kasih.
Dan dia pulalah naungan dan pendianganmu.
Karena kau menghampirinya saat hati lapa dan mencarinya saat jiwa butuh kedamaian.
Bila dia bicara, mengungkapkan pikirannya,
kau tiada takut membisikkan kata “tidak” di kalbumu sendiri,
pun tiada kau menyembunyikan kata “ya”.
Dan bilamana ia diam, hatimu tiada ‘kan henti mencoba merangkum bahasa hatinya;
karena tanpa ungkapan kata,
dalam rangkuman persahabatan, segala pikiran, hasrat, dan keinginan terlahirkan bersama dengan sukacita yang utuh, pun tiada terkirakan.
Di kala berpisah dengan sahabat, janganlah berduka cita;
Karena yang paling kaukasihi dalam dirinya,
mungkin lebih cemerlang dalam ketiadaannya,
bagai sebuah gunung bagi seorang pendaki,
nampak lebih agung daripada tanah ngarai dataran.
Dan tiada maksud lain dari persahabatan kecuali saling memperkaya ruh kejiwaan.
Karena kasih yang masih menyisakan pamrih,
di luar jangkauan misterinya, bukanlah kasih, tetapi sebuah jala yang ditebarkan:
hanya menangkap yang tiada diharapkan.
Dan persembahkanlah yang terindah bagi sahabatmu.
Jika dia harus tahu musim surutmu,
biarlah dia mengenal pula musim pasangmu.
Gerangan apa sahabat itu hingga kau senantiasa mencarinya,
untuk sekadar bersama dalam membunuh waktu?
Carilah ia untuk bersama menghidupkan sang waktu!
Karena dialah yang bisa mengisi kekuranganmu, bukan mengisi kekosonganmu.
Dan dalam manisnya persahabatan, biarkanlah ada tawa ria berbagi kebahagiaan.
Karena dalam titik-titik kecil embun pagi, hati manusia menemukan fajar jati dan gairah segar kehidupan.

Senin, 22 Desember 2014

hallo sahabat setia blogger, siang yang panas ya, dan di siang ini gua mau nge-blog ah, mengisi keisengan dari pada harus gangguin ade-ade aku, dan ujung-ujungnya kena semprot dari nyokap, (gakpentingbangetdil!!:D)
okey,  aku cuma mau kasih info aja nih, udah banyak yang tau belum sih tentang atau, aku tau infonya dari instagram, itu tuh kaya bisnis di internet gitu, banyak peluang kerja di situ, contohnya multimedia, desain, arsitektur, dan lainnya deh, kalian cuma perlu menguasai bahasa inggris dasar dan memiliki account paypal atau kartu Visa gitu, aku gak begitu ngerti sih caranya, tapi kalo di ikutin terus aku yakin kalian bisa ngerti kok. Aku udah pernah nyoba registrasi dan itu bener-bener ngebantu buat temen-temen yang punya keahlian dalam bidang-bidang itu, contohnya yang tadi aku bilang di atas, itu belum semuanya kok, masih banyak lagi bidang lain, kalian lansung cek aja ke atau Lumayan loh buat ngisi kekosongan waktu kalian:) meskipun aku belum ngikutin sepenuhnya dan gak begitu ngerti caranya hehehe:D

oke segitu aja ya infonya tentang elancer, selebihnya kalian cari tau langsung ke atau ..
byee semuaaa

Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

Assigment Ponds Conquers All (Mr. Romel Noverino)

           Name: Aulia faradilla
           NMP:  11614813

              There is a love story between Tom and Rose, they loved each other but Tom's mother doesn't liked Rose because Rose came from poor family. Tom's mother own a company, while Rose just a school teacher
            One day when Tom and Rose in a date under the love tree, suddenly Tom's mother affix and then Tom's mother force and order her laborer to distroyed Rose's house.
            6 years later when Rose were teaching, Tom's mother came back for asked to Rose for affix her school, within 7 days Rose gave times to think. But Rose refused.
            When Rose and Tom were walked together, Tom's mother laborer followed them, and took Tom and Rose's photos and gave it to Tom's mother, she's very angry to her son.
               Tom's mother gave order to her son for develops a golf park the named is "Paradise grand view", Rose disappointed to Tom.
4 Days left until the eviction, but Rose acted to protest to Tom.but Tom's mother didn't care, then Tom's mother used another way is to burn Rose's school.
Rose very shocked about this incident.
And at the same time Tom's mother wanted destroyed the tlove tree. Rose tried to blocked it, but Tom's saved her. Tom's mother saw that incident and shocked, and she finally gave up and blessed their love.

The Analysis:
The videos tell a love story between Tom and Rose. And the relation between love and ponds is when Rose used PONDS FLAWLESS WHITE in 7 days, Tom became more mesmerized at Rose's beauty.

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

woowww hari ini kita bikin seblak di rumah sahabat kita Angie, sambil nugas ,, cayoooo mantap banget dah seblak nya bikinan chef Anna